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『白鯨』 ( はくげい 、 ( 英: Moby-Dick;or, The Whale )は、アメリカの小説家・ハーマン・メルヴィルの長編小説。 本作は実際に捕鯨船に乗船して捕鯨に従事したメルヴィルの体験をもとに創作され、1851年に発表された。

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About Why Read Moby-Dick? A “brilliant and provocative” (The New Yorker) celebration of Melville's masterpiece—from the bestselling author of In the Heart of the Sea, Valiant Ambition, and In the Hurricane's Eye One of the greatest 

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R E V I E W JOHN BRYANT AND HASKELL SPRINGER, EDS. Moby-Dick: A Longman Critical Edition New York: Pearson Longman, 2007. Paper $19.95. 660 pp. H owever meticulous its editing, and however exact its apparatus, the  Upper Level. Worksheet. Moby Dick. Herman Melville. A Before Reading. 1 a In the 1800s, whaling was an important American industry for the collection of oil, but a dangerous. activity for the crews of the whaling ships, who were often away at  Moby Dick is the saga of Captain Ahab and his continuous pursuit of Moby Dick, the great white whale who maimed him during their last encounter. In this Reader you will find: Pre-reading activities | Comprehension Activites | First Certificate 

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